Mbongondo Chipeleka Cooperative social impact project

June 12, 2020

Mbongondo Chipeleka Cooperative is in Chibalazi village on coordinates -11.071164,33.853110. The village is endwed with fertile loamy soils. For many years’ local inhabitants have used water from a small stream to grow maize corn which is the staple food for the community. Supplementary subsistence farming has also taken place targeting crops like sweet potatoes and various vegetables.

The community is 15Km from Rumphi Trading Centre and Rumphi District Hospital, and also 62KM from Mzuzu City and the only Central Hospital in the northern region of Malawi. The nearest Secondary schools are both 10km away at Vongo and Kacheche in western and eastern sides respectively

Due to poor road network and distance from schools, there is relatively a very high school dropout rate. This has tremendously impacted the economic and income levels of the community members. Most households earn their income through selling some surplus from their subsistence farming

A typical day in the lives of community members starts with women going into the fields to farm, while others attend to domestic chores like fetching firewood, preparing maize for milling. On the other hand, men trek into town on their bicycles to sell some locally produced merchandise and farm produce

Access to improved energy services can alter women’s social, economic and political status by reducing the time and effort involved in household activities, providing better health and educational conditions, enhancing income-generating opportunities, and facilitating their participation in public affairs. Women are particularly affected by energy poverty in this community. Many spend hours collecting firewood for cooking, cook on inefficient, smoky stoves and undertake their daily chores in poor lighting. Energy access can improve women’s daily experience in many ways, freeing up time for girls to attend school, and for women to engage in economic activities.

Kwacha Energy Limited intends to work with Mbongondo Chipereka Cooperative to use artificial irrigation to increase agricultural productivity and become less dependent on climate conditions. Kwacha Energy believes that development in Agriculture is one of the driving forces in eradicating poverty for low-income and agrarian communities like Chibalazi Village. Growth in agriculture is twice as effective in fighting poverty and malnutrition than growth in any other sector.